News — lanabella

Lexi’s Hunger Games Inspired Birthday Party

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

It was a busy week around here baking, baking and more baking for Lexi’s Hunger Games inspired party. I have never seen my girlie this excited about anything. I really loved being able to surprise her with this. I think one of the biggest surprises for her was our dear friend Diana also dressed up as Effie Trinket as Lexi dressed like Katniss on reaping day. Don’t they look wonderful? If you have read the books you know that foods especially breads are discussed so much and play such an important part of the story so that is what I...

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She is growing up

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

I can hardly believe as I sit here and type this that my little girl is now a teenager. It seems like it was just yesterday that she was scurrying off in the store to hid under clothing racks, or climbing into my bed during the night. For a few weeks I’ve been planning a Hunger Games inspired surprise party for her, no easy task to do when she is my helper and home 24/7 but it was slowly happening. Unfortunately some plans fell through and she wasn’t going to have a sleepover where I could transform everything so I...

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April Recap

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

If I thought for a minute that March was busy April was even more of a whirlwind. Most of the pictures I have for you today are food based. Apparently I really take that food = showing people how you much you love them to a new level. We had some AMAZING white “lasagna” I will call it that even though I really used wavy noodles because that’s all that was in the pantry that day OOPS.  It was so YUMMY! Easter was a quite affair. We invited our great friends Julie & Steve over for dinner. I love that...

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It’s Party Time!!!

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

That’s right its that time of the year again where I celebrate MY birthday with SAVINGS for you! And its a big birthday so we are talking HUGE savings!!! Yes I know its the same cupcake from last year what can I say I REALLY like red velvet! Oh right you want to know about the sale, use code HAPPYBDAY2ME for 36% OFF thats right I’m old HUGE savings until the 20th (5/20)  (lets face it on the 19th I’m taking the day off) to CELEBRATE! Available in ALL shops! Now you go shop away I’m going to pack some orders that...

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March Recap

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

I know I know I said I’d never write one of these again but life with 5 kids is honestly a whirlwind and I feel lately like I’m constantly struggling to keep up with everything.   After Rory’s party things just kept flying by. Some pretty cool things happened though. I got a bike! Yup thats right I got a bike the kids and I were riding daily through our neighborhood, taking nightly walks and somehow I lost a bunch of weight, which is what inspired the bike purchase. Isn’t she cute? I have to admit this is the first...

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