Salve and Balm Packaging
Posted by Jenni Feingold on
Its been a while since I posted anything business related so here is a sneak peek at all of the new salve packaging. Some of you may have already received packages with the new labels but if you haven’t look at how amazing they look! They were designed by the AMAZING Meredith from Jack & Molly. Its been a few months and I STILL get really excited every time I print up a sheet!
The lovely Ant-y Thing. This salve with a funny name has a funny name for a reason. You see it was created when my too curious little boy wanted to see what would happen when he messed with some fire ants. Well anyone who has ever been bit by a fire ant before knows they bite and they HURT! Well he got bit 35 times on his arm that we could count it resulted in a visit to the emergency room and prescriptions for more creams and ointments than I care to have to use with my busy life and well not a one of them was natural and many had chemicals that we avoid. I put my herbalist hat on and thought back to some wisdom from Rosemary Gladstar and created this good for just about anything salve and gave it a funny name to make my boy smile and it stuck.
Arnica Muscle Rub. A specific external treatment for physical trauma, sprains, bruising and other injuries. Use immediately after strenuous exertion or injury to prevent, relieve and reduce swelling, bruises and pain.
Blissful Baby Balm. I know for my babies I only want to use the most gentle ingredients on them so that is what happened when this balm got reformulated. Simple, gentle goodness.
Buggy Be Gone! Balm. As you find with my other products this one also came out of necessity, I was on the hunt for an all natural bug repellent that work and this is what I came up with.
Healing Ink Balm. When I was getting ready to get a tattoo I thought back to the Tattoo Goo I used on my first one. I didn’t want to purchase something when I could make my own so I looked around and thought about what you need when you get a tattoo and that is all about skin health with out damaging the inks. I also wanted it to smell nice because that makes me happy. Did you know that helichrysm essential oil is being used in trials for both hepatitis and HIV? I didn’t either but I love how it smells and thought that was an amazing coincidence so in it went.
Serie Breathe Easy Rub. I don’t know about you but here with the windows closed and the chill in the air and sometimes having the heat on we are getting some stuffy noses. Especially at night, and most noticeable in our two year old. I wanted something I could grab in the dark half asleep in the middle of the night and something that was NOT petroleum based. Why not use the same blend as in our wonderful serie soap and aromatherapy products. A blend of Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Lemon essential oils as sure to get the job done!
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- Tags: ant-ything salve, antything, arnica muscle rub, baby, balm, blissful baby balm, breathe, bug bite, bug repellant, buggy be gone balm, coming soon, diaper rash, etsy, herbal balm, herbs, Lana Bella, lanabella, packaging, rub, Salve, serie breathe easy rub, Shop Local, tattoo