
Don't trust your scale.

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

I’m sure if you have ever been on and weight loss or fitness program ever you’ve heard the words “Don’t trust your scale.” or “Fat weighs more than muscle.” well I want to talk about the validity of the first one. Oh and 1lb of fat weighs the EXACT SAME as 1lb of muscle. “WHAT?” yeah its plain common sense just like 1lb of bricks weighs the same as 1lb of feathers its just the bricks take up a LOT less room they are denser and take up less volume. Ok now back to that not trusting your scale thing....

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Day 5 Ultimate Reset meets Whole30 Challenge

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Why I closed my Etsy Shop ~ AKA the March Newsletter

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

On closing the Etsy Shop It was with a heavy heart in February that I decided to close my Etsy shop. It was through Etsy that I was really able to reach so many of you. The main reason for the decision to close is the way shipping is calculated. With the flat rate shipping not a weight based real time integrated shipping calculator and the weight of my products when the new USPS rates came out I couldn’t seem to find that middle ground, either I was greatly overcharging or vastly undercharging and when it came to International shipping...

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I’ve been knitting, and knitting, and knitting.

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

I know I’ve been knitting a little here and there for a while now. In the past few months I’ve really fallen in love though. I’ve gotten good enough that I don’t have to look at my hands constantly while knitting anymore, I’m comfortable knitting flat or in the round, I’ve even added a ton of new skills like  cables, short rows and even the provisional cast on. Sorry for all the pictures (I did mention I’ve been knitting lots right) I’ve been a busy girl. Clicking on the links after the photos you can read more about the patterns...

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I made Aidan a Quilt

Posted by Jenni Feingold on

In the tradition I started of the year of making each of the kids a quilt the next birthday up was Aidan’s. HIs favorite color is blue I thought this would be super easy to work with. I was not so pleasantly surprised to find that so many blue fabrics are either boring or floral, making a quilt for a would be 13 year old boy florals were OUT. This was the start of my fabric pull back in January. Not all of those fabrics made it into the final quilt though. Of course I again forgot to take pictures...

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